AIME - Indigenous students
AIME is an educational program that gives Indigenous high school students the skills, opportunities, belief and confidence to make this happen. By matching these students with university student mentors, AIME successfully supports the students to finish high school. AIME also connects students with post Year 12 opportunities, including further education and employment. This is done through a weekly homework club and several university outreach days that run throughout the year, targeting students in years 7-12.

Raise mentoring- students selected from years 7-10
Year advisers identify students who would benefit from this program which provides a weekly check in with neutral positive role model to talk to who is an adult, but who is not connected to the school or family. Graduates of the raise program have appreciated and flourished under individualised support from their mentors who are trained to assist with identifying and achieving goals that are meaningful for each student. Raise mentors are volunteers from the community and corporate partners who have been formally trained in mentoring through a TAFE accredited training course. They visit our school as a group once a week during Term 2 and Term 3 for one hour of mentoring. All mentors have been screened through appropriate working with children security clearances.
Peer support- Year 7 students mentored by Year 10 peer leaders
Peer support Australia provides school communities with an evidence based, peer led approach to enhance the mental, social and emotional wellbeing of young people.
The program is implemented in Term 1 and focuses on the transition to high school. Students from Year 10 are trained as peer leaders and work with students in Year 7. Peer support is generally timetabled to take place for one 40 minute session once a week for an eight week period. In the sessions, the younger students engage in a structured series of interactive learning experiences guided by their peer leaders. At the end of the eight week period, students mark the end of their peer led sessions with a celebration.
The peer support program supports complementary educational initiatives such as social and emotional learning, positive psychology, buddy programs, restorative practices, pastoral care, student welfare and the National Safe Schools Framework.
Mentoring for success program- Year 12 students
Mentoring program at Riverside invites students in Year 12 to work with personally nominated teachers.
The aim of the program is to ensure that there is encouragement, support and ongoing mentoring as the students prepare for their HSC and future beyond school.
The mentoring program offers support in a range of forms including:
- Study Plan advice
- study skills advice
- examination techniques and tips
- planning career options
- support with wellbeing issues.