Find out more about what your child will learn at our school.
The NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) is responsible for the curriculum, Kindergarten to Year 12, for all NSW schools.
For the high school years, NESA develops syllabuses for all subjects in 8 key learning areas:
- creative arts
- English
- human society and its environment (HSIE)
- languages
- mathematics
- personal development, health and physical education (PDHPE)
- science
- technological and applied studies (TAS).
NSW schools also offer special religious education and special education in ethics via approved providers, where available.
Like all NSW schools, we have developed teaching and learning programs to suit our local context and the needs of our students.
To learn more about the curriculum in NSW, visit:
Stages of learning
There are 6 stages of learning from Kindergarten to Year 12. High school covers Stages 4 to 6.
- Stage 4 includes Years 7 and 8.
- Stage 5 includes Years 9 and 10.
- Stage 6 includes Years 11 and 12.
Excellence in learning
At Riverside Girls we create a learning environment that encourages students to challenge themselves to achieve their best.
Ongoing professional learning enables our teachers to build upon their knowledge and strengths providing students with quality learning experiences that challenge, inspire and excite. In particular, this professional learning has focussed on differentiation, which really means inspiring all students in different ways to reach their potential.
Our curriculum is innovative and vibrant, preparing students to be successful 21st century global citizens. Our recent innovations in teaching include collaborative curriculum projects in Year 7 and 8 and project based learning in Year 9 with a focus on assessing specific literacy skills in all assessment tasks.
Cross curriculum priorities
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures
- Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia
- sustainability
General capabilities
- critical and creative thinking
- ethical understanding
- information and communication technology capability
- intercultural understanding
- literacy
- numeracy
- personal and social capability
Other learning across the curriculum areas
- civics and citizenship
- difference and diversity
- work and enterprise.
© NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2012