Riverside Girls High School

Facta Non Verba

Telephone02 9816 4264


Year 9 Elective Selection

In Stage 5 (Years 9 & 10) students have three elective classes that run over two years. Alongside these electives all Stage 5 students will study English, Maths, Science, HSIE and PDHPE.

Below are the list of electives that are on offer for 2025. As the elective selection process is based on course popularity, not all of the offered courses will run.

For more information on the offered electives you can download our Stage 5 Curriculum Handbook.

When you are choosing your electives you will need to list them in preference order. This means that you need to put the electives that you really want first.

Elective courses offered at Riverside for 2025

These are the Stage 5 elective courses Riverside Girls High School is currently offering for Year 9 students next year. Please note that there is no guarantee that these courses will run as our selection process is based on student interest.

  • Dance
  • Music
  • Photography & Digital Media (PDM)
  • Visual Arts

  • Drama

  • Commerce
  • Geography Elective (Global Studies)
  • History Elective

  • French

  • Mathematics Advanced (Accelerated course, requires application)

  • Physical Activity & Sports Studies (PASS)

  • Design & Technology
  • Enterprise Computing (Accelerated course, requires application)
  • Food Technology
  • Industrial Technology - Multimedia
  • Textiles Technology