2026 Year 7 High Potential and Gifted Education Program
At Riverside, we offer the opportunity for students to apply to be placed in our High Potential and Gifted Education (HPGE) Program.
The HPGE class
We offer an HPGE class in Years 7-10. Students who are selected to join this program in Year 7 remain in this class until Year 10 (only for core classes in Years 9 and 10).
This class is provided with an enriched curriculum where each student is extended in all subjects and is encouraged to use higher order thinking, creativity and inquiry based learning.
What are the enriched learning opportunities offered to the HPGE students
Students in our HPGE program participate in a number of curriculum and co-curricula activities, such as;
Can students be moved in and out of the HPGE class?
Recommendations may be made by teachers for students who demonstrate exceptional talent across a variety of subject. These recommendations are assessed by the Principal and may be referred to the student and parent with an invitation to apply to join the program. If successful in the test and interview, the student will be placed in the HPGE class.
A student would only be moved out of the HPGE class if they are not meeting school learning expectations. Before the student is moved, however, there would be a negotiated improvement plan developed between the student, parent and school to support the student in meeting expectations.